Journal #3

 I feel as though if it is for the betterment of the students ten everything should be available to them. I understand that some people want property of what is theirs and what they create should be up to them to decide what they want to do with it. Now I do have question pertaining to why people keep their stuff to themselves? Another concern that I have with copyright and fair use is that people may use that to try and make a profit which I feel is silly if it helps better the world.

Decreased productivity- A solution that I would propose is that we create more of learning assignments that seem like games. A good example of what I am referring to is Quizlet, Quizlet simply put is a way to learn that has different ways of doing it. On Quizlet you can study definitions the old fashion way or you can test yourself on it, or you can get the whole class involved and play a game of matching and whoever has the lowest time can get a homework pass. We should create something to make learning fun and also accessible so that way the students can still do the work but not realize it.   

I believe that AI is hurting student learning. The reason why I say this is that AI has become a prevalent part in our lives as of recently and with the rise of ChatGPT it makes it too easy to cheat within the classroom. Granted using AI in the classroom is also beneficial since educators are always trying to keep up with the times AI will become a inevitable resource in the classroom. I feel though overall that once we start to include AI into the classroom then it will not take long for someone to cheat the AI and inevitably cheat themselves.

I acquired some new skills since working on the Newsletter design assignment. I took a Microsoft class in community college so a lot of stuff that was required for us to do was more like a refresher. The skills that were used to make this newsletter will help me when I have to write papers or create a syllabus for my students. Another way this assignment will help me is to get more familiar with Microsoft word.


  1. Hi, Tyler! Good work for your newsletter design. You may want to check the tutorials about how to use the column function. Please see more details on my feedback for your Assignment 1.

    Your reflection raises some important points and questions about the balance between the rights of creators and the broader educational and societal benefits of accessing copyrighted materials. It's great that you're thinking critically about these issues! Firstly, it's important to recognize that intellectual property laws, including copyright, are designed to protect creators' rights and encourage the creation of new works by ensuring creators can control how their works are used and can benefit financially from them. This protection is crucial for fostering creativity and innovation. When creators know their work is protected, they are more likely to invest time and effort into creating new content, which ultimately benefits society by enriching our cultural and educational resources. Regarding your question about why people "keep their stuff to themselves," it's often about maintaining the value of their work and controlling its distribution to ensure it's used in ways they approve of, which can include financial compensation, preserving the integrity of the work, or ensuring it's used in a context they find appropriate. Copyright laws give creators the legal right to make these decisions. Hope this can answer your questions!


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