Blog Journal #4

 The technological standard that I have chosen to talk about is the ELA standard for grade 8. The way that I would describe this standard is that it elaborates more on things that the students have learn in previous years. An example being in that standard it talks about writing and introducing a topic and using multimedia in help to aid their comprehension. If I was the one teaching the class, I feel like I would be comfortable to teach something like that in a classroom setting.

The way that I would use these resources to help benefit the students learning in the classroom. I would use the lesson plans to help guide them with their lessons and also to help find new ways to teach. The way that I think the resources can be used in teaching is pretty expansive since there is no right way of teaching there is just the curriculum that needs to be taught. Also, I think that it is beneficial to have a different view on education then your own. 

The reason why being proficient in internet searching is so important in teaching is because as the world advances the way we teach becomes more and more online. The skill that I think that I will use the most is advance search's I feel like that while help me save time when I am searching for things. No, I found that a lot of the internet search skills that I read about I already used. I will use advanced searches to save time and better find the things that I am looking for.


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