
Showing posts from February, 2024

Blog Journal #6

 Overall Diigo seems like a good site to use. When I was trying to sign in however it was overwhelming trying to figure out how to navigate the website. After I figured out how to work the website it was easy to maneuver around the website. Despite that it is an overall great website to use for its purpose. So far I have enjoyed using blogger to do assignments. I enjoy being able to write stuff down in a way that does not feel like an assignment. This type of assignment formatting lends itself to that making it a better way to learn. Whenever I become a teacher, I hope to implement blogger into my teaching routine.  Aimoto is a website that I can use in the future as teacher. I will advise my students to use when creating videos and doing assignments. It was easy to use, and the layout of the website is accessible. I like using this website because it helps me easily edit my videos. Animoto is overall a good and easy website to use I will recommend it to all of my students.

Blog Journal #5

 My early experiences using twitter as a type of personal learning network were very limited. Instagram on the other hand was my main source of information since it was more my speed just a lot of pictures and memes. Now I use more of Twitter for my personal learning network because I have matured a little bit. The way that I will use these platforms to help my future career is to promote myself to future employers, I will provide information and links to my resume amongst other things. The digital divide is becoming more and more prevalent in recent years. I remember when I was in elementary school, we did a majority of our work on paper and pencil not on the laptop. I didn't start using technology for homework until middle school. I feel as though if we start using technology to soon with the new generation, they will rely too much on it for spelling and they could also believe everything they read online. Some ways that I will incorporate these types of technologies is by having

Blog Journal #4

 The technological standard that I have chosen to talk about is the ELA standard for grade 8. The way that I would describe this standard is that it elaborates more on things that the students have learn in previous years. An example being in that standard it talks about writing and introducing a topic and using multimedia in help to aid their comprehension. If I was the one teaching the class, I feel like I would be comfortable to teach something like that in a classroom setting. The way that I would use these resources to help benefit the students learning in the classroom. I would use the lesson plans to help guide them with their lessons and also to help find new ways to teach. The way that I think the resources can be used in teaching is pretty expansive since there is no right way of teaching there is just the curriculum that needs to be taught. Also, I think that it is beneficial to have a different view on education then your own.  The reason why being proficient in internet se

Journal #3

 I feel as though if it is for the betterment of the students ten everything should be available to them. I understand that some people want property of what is theirs and what they create should be up to them to decide what they want to do with it. Now I do have question pertaining to why people keep their stuff to themselves? Another concern that I have with copyright and fair use is that people may use that to try and make a profit which I feel is silly if it helps better the world. Decreased productivity- A solution that I would propose is that we create more of learning assignments that seem like games. A good example of what I am referring to is Quizlet, Quizlet simply put is a way to learn that has different ways of doing it. On Quizlet you can study definitions the old fashion way or you can test yourself on it, or you can get the whole class involved and play a game of matching and whoever has the lowest time can get a homework pass. We should create something to make learning