
Showing posts from January, 2024

Blog Journal #2

 My experience with Microsoft Word is very slim. I did not really use Microsoft word in high school but rather I took a course on Microsoft tools in community college. Overall, I am not a fan of anything Microsoft mainly because I grew up using Google docs and Google slides. The only time I use Microsoft now is when I submit assignments because I download them from Google docs into whatever Microsoft form, I need. I mainly use Microsoft word if I had to say which one, I use now. The ISTE Standard for Educators that I feel is most meaningful to me is 2.1 learner. The reason why that standard is so meaningful to me is that it talks about learning from others which I find to be very true. We always learn from others and the more. I feel as though this standard is the most important because we also want to maintain the curriculum through online education. I would agree with the label of digital native for today's youth. When I worked as a substitute teacher a lot of lower grade kids we

Introduction to me

 Hi, my name is Tyler Harriott, I was born in Homestead, Florida when I was 8 my family moved to Monroe, North Carolina. When I was about 12 or 13 I started playing basketball for a rec league that was close to my house. In high school I played football and golf, I played football for 4 years and golf my junior year of high school. I was accepted into Florida State in the summer of 23 ad so for being at FSU has been one of the best experiences of my life. Some experiences I have had using technology in the educational setting has varied through my years being in school. When I was in elementary school, we had a computer lab where we would practice our type skills with little games, and whoever had the highest score would get a reward. Then once I got into middle school, we received our own personal school laptops, at this time homework and assignments started to become more online. Highschool same story except more and more assignments had to be turned in via canvas or blackboard. Coll